Figure 3
Schematic of the message-passing technique. The blue lines represent nonamers and the dotted red lines indicate connections, so that nonamer A is connected on the right to nonamers B1, B2 and B3. In the first stage of message passing, each nonamer receives, from each nonamer connected to its right, the identity of that nonamer (e.g. nonamer C receives the identity `d' from nonamer D). In subsequent iterations, each nonamer receives, from each nonamer to the right, the identity (if any) that it has been passed from its connection to the right (e.g. nonamer B1 receives from C the identity `d' in the second cycle and nonamer A receives from B1 the identity `d' in the third cycle). The process is complete when no further messages are received. If a nonamer receives its own identity then the connection is ignored (e.g. nonamer A receives from nonaner B3 the identity `a' in the second cycle so this circular reference is ignored). |