Figure 6
Illustration of radiation damage over a wide range of time scales and dose. Left, UV–vis absorption spectrum (blue, lowest; red, highest) of a cryocooled solution of cysteine, showing an intense peak at 400 nm corresponding to disulfide-anion radical production. The vertical bands arise from 1 s X-ray irradiations followed by 5–8 s of beam off, during which the 400 nm peak decays away (Southworth-Davies & Garman, 2007 ). Centre, Fo − Fc difference density map (contoured at −2.5σ) of the Cys76–Cys94 bond in a HEWL structure calculated using the sixth data set in a sequential collection from one crystal (Murray & Garman, 2002 ). The bond is broken and the S atoms are delocalized. Right, decay of the normalized diffraction intensity of sequential data sets collected from four different holoferritin crystals (Owen et al., 2006 ). Figure modified from Owen, Pearson et al. (2009 ). |