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Figure 1
SANS differential cross-sections of Ncd281 microtubules in fD = 0.42 D2O with AMPPNP and comparison with models. Ncd281 data are shown as circles. Total particle densities for Ncd281: N = 3.92 × 1016 cm−3 motor dimers; N = 5.89 × 1016 cm−3 tubulin dimers. Scattering intensity calculated for models: (a) one-head cooperative binding; (b) one-head random binding with an average of approximately one motor per helical turn; (c) two-head cooperative binding. In each of the cooperative binding models sections of decorated microtubules coexist with sections of undecorated microtubules. Model parameters are given in Table 2[link]. All values are per tubulin dimer, dσT(Q)/dΩ (cm2), scaled and corrected for the fraction of unbound Ncd as described in the text.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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