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Figure 1
Overall structure of the FOXO4-DBD–DNA complex. (a) Sequence alignment of FOXO forkhead domains. Secondary-structure elements (based on the FOXO4-DBD–DNA complex) are indicated at the top. Residues involved in protein–DNA contacts are labelled in blue. Residues shown in grey are missing in the corresponding FOXO-DBD–DNA structures (Tsai et al., 2007BB34; Brent et al., 2008BB7). (b) Structure of the FOXO4-DBD–DNA complex. The FOXO-DBD is shown in ribbon representation and DNA is shown as sticks. Secondary-structure elements are labelled according to the nomenclature typical for the winged-helix motif (Clark et al., 1993BB8). (c) The complex rotated 90° towards the viewer around the horizontal axis relative to Fig. 1[link](b).

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