Figure 7
Example 2wfb : crystal structure of the apo form of the orange protein (Apo-Orp) from Desulfovibrio gigas (S. Najmudin, C. Bonifacio, A. G. Duarte, I. Moura, J. G. Moura & M. G. Romao, unpublished work). This is an ensemble example where the constituent search models (1rdu _A, 1eo1 _A, 1o13 _A, 1t3v _A) in the ensemble failed to yield an acceptable solution on their own using Phaser to perform the MR. The ensemble itself produced a `good' solution. Providing Phaser with the ensemble of aligned search models allowed it to downweight the signal from parts of the models which are not conserved across all of the structures, i.e. flexible loops and terminal residues. The figure was prepared using CCP4mg (Potterton et al., 2004 ![]() |