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Figure 3
Comparison between different states. (a) The graph depicts the r.m.s.d. of Cα atoms between different states of ligand occupation. The r.m.s.d. between the glutamyl thioester form (PDB entry 1t3t ) and the apo form (PDB entry 3ugj ) is shown in red, while that between the glutamyl thioester form and the StPurL–AMPPNP binary complex (PDB entry 3umm ) is shown in black. (b) The ribbon representation shows the superposition of the glutanyl thioester form and the StPurL–AMPPNP binary complex form. Each domain of thioester form is represented in a different colour (the N-­terminal domain in green, the FGAM synthetase domain in sky blue and the glutaminase domain in red). The binary complex is shown in grey.

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