Figure 1
Overview of protein kinase architecture using the example of CK2α. The catalytic protein kinase core, indicated in green (N-terminal domain) or red (C-terminal domain), is penetrated by the regulatory spine (R-spine) and the catalytic spine (C-spine). The hinge/αD region is drawn in blue (open conformation with Phe121 turned towards the outside) or grey (closed conformation with Phe121 turned towards the inside, i.e. as part of the C-spine). The N-terminal segment (magenta) folding back towards the C-terminal domain is a typical feature of CK2α. This figure was prepared using PyMOL (Schrödinger LLC) from the CK2α1–325/CK2α′327–350–AMPPN(P) complex structure (PDB entry 3u87 ). The closed conformation of the hinge/helix αD region (coloured grey) was drawn from the CK2α1–335–resorufin complex (PDB entry 3u9c ). |