Figure 4
Activation loops and active sites in Deg8 (S292A) and other HtrA proteases. (a) Catalytic triad of Deg8 (S292A) (yellow, stick mode) in comparison with Deg5 (S266A) and HtrA1. The hydrogen bond between His171 and Gln272 from loop L3 is presented as a black dashed line. Activation loops are coloured the same as in Fig. 2 (c). (b) Catalytic triad of Deg8 (S292A). His171 is displayed together with electron density calculated using 2Fo − Fc coefficients and contoured at 1.0σ as a blue mesh. (c) Structural comparison of loop L2 in Deg8 (S292A) (green), Deg1 (PDB entry 3qo6
; cyan; left), DegP24 (PDB entry 3cso
; orange; left), Deg5 (blue; right) and HtrA1 (PDB entry 3num
; magenta; right). |