Figure 1
(a) Molecular surfaces of Triatoma virus (TrV) and Cricket paralysis virus (CrPV; PDB entry 1b35). The individual proteins are coloured according to the following code: VP1, blue; VP2, green; VP3, red. The structures are on the same scale. TrV displays characteristic surface projections formed by VP1 and VP3 around the fivefold axes, while there is a depression at the twofold axes of TrV. (b) Surface of a TrV penton. A projection has been highlighted in a rectangle. Darker colours correspond to regions closer to the centre of the particle. (c) Close-up view of a projection. Loops from VP1 (blue) and VP3 (red) form the projections, with underlying β-sheets. These regions have been identified as M1, M2, M3 and M4. The figures in (a) were produced with DINO (https://www.dino.org) using as input pre-computed surfaces previously calculated with MSMS (Sanner et al., 1996 ![]() |