Figure 5
Structural alignment of TrV and CrPV. The colour scheme is as in Fig. 3 . β-Strands are marked with arrows above the sequences and labelled. Spirals denote 310-helices and α-helices. Regions involved in the formation of the projections by the fivefold axes are highlighted in dark blue (including strands M3 and M4 in VP1) and cyan (including M1 and M2) in VP3. β-Strands in the CHEF and BIDG β-sheets of the jelly roll are shown in red and yellow, respectively. The DDF motifs are indicated in purple. The β-strands that link to the DDF motifs are coloured green (βx3βx4 in VP1 and βx1βx2 in VP3). In CrPV, the residues involved in an inter-protomer salt bridge between VP4 and VP3 are highlighted in orange. Conserved residues are highlighted in white font on a black background and similar residues in both sequences are framed. A grey background denotes residues disordered in the structure. This figure was prepared with ESPript (Gouet et al., 1999 ) |