Figure 4
Multi-domain MR searches for phasing nucleic acid structures. (a) The experimental structure-factor amplitudes of an O. iheyensis group II intron data set (PDB entry 4faw ) can be phased with a Phaser multi-domain MR search using ten individual intron subdomains as a starting model. (b) The resulting σ-weighted 2Fo − Fc electron-density map is shown around the active-site motifs in blue mesh (1.5σ contour level). The positive signal in the σ-weighted Fo − Fc map (green mesh, 3.0σ) is shown at the expected position of the catalytic metal ions, which were not included in the search model (M1/M2 and K1; yellow and purple spheres, respectively). (c) Successful solutions (TFZ > 8) could be obtained using intron subdomain structures distorted by up to 1 Å r.m.s.d. with respect to their original structure in the model (PDB entry 3igi ). |