Figure 3
Search models used in molecular replacement. (a) Yeast Rrp44–Rrp41–Rrp45 ternary complex (PDB entry 2wp8
; Bonneau et al., 2009 ), human Exo-9 (PDB entry 2nn6
; Liu et al., 2006 ) and archaeal exosome (PDB entry 2je6
; Lorentzen et al., 2007 ). Although the architecture of the RNase PH barrel is evolutionarily conserved, these structures were not good enough for MR searches. (b) MR became more promising on disassembling the complexes into individual subunits (RNase PH pairs) and breaking the Rrp44 chain into the PIN domain and the RNase II-like region. A C-terminal region of the yeast Rrp40 structure (PDB entry 2ja9
; Oddone et al., 2007 ), was used as search model instead of the human Rrp40. |