Figure 3
Effect of controlled dehydration to RHf = 86% at different rates on (a) the unit-cell parameters and unit-cell volume and (b) the diffraction data quality of Gpc-1 crystals. The data at zero dehydration rate were for a control non-dehydrated crystal. All other crystals were dehydrated to RHf = 86% in 0.1% steps with the given step time and flash-cooled; full data sets were then collected at 100 K. (a) The changes in β angle (squares), c dimension (circles) and unit-cell volume (diamonds) with different dehydration rates are plotted as solid, dotted and dashed lines, respectively. (b) The diffraction data quality as estimated by resolution (squares), anisotropy ΔB (circles) and Wilson B factor (diamonds) is plotted as solid, dotted and dashed lines, respectively. |