Figure 5
DAA recognition by BsrV from V. cholerae versus Alr from B. stearothermophilus. Docked models of enzyme–substrate catalytic intermediates (BsrV and AlrBs) for (a, b) short non-β-branching residues (D-Ala, shown in stick representation with C atoms coloured blue) (1*), (c, d) long non-β-branching residues (D-Met, shown in stick representation with C atoms coloured magenta) (2*) and (e, f) positively charged residues (D-Arg, shown in stick representation with C atoms coloured yellow) (3*). Protein residues involved in substrate recognition are labelled and interactions are highlighted as dotted lines. Substrates clashes are labelled by an asterisk. (g) Schematic of specific activity (relative to wild-type BsrV; left column) of BsrV single mutants in the `signature' SDP. The results correspond to means of triplicates. (h) Location of the SDP within the BrsV structure. See also Supplementary Fig. S5. |