Figure 4
(a) Variation of the XANES spectrum of Cu insulin collected at 100 K as a function of exposure time/dose. The peak appearing at 8983 eV originates from the formation of Cu+. Measurements were performed with 10 min between each measurement, starting at t = 10 min (black) and ending at t = 110 min (light grey). Arrows show the spectral evolvement as photoreduction propagates. (b) The integrated peak area of the peak at 8983 eV, which is proportional to the amount of Cu+ as a function of exposure time/dose for Cu insulin samples prepared with and without saccharose at 100 K and with saccharose at 20 K. The amount of Cu+ is shown as the integrated area under the peak occurring at 8983 eV. Error bars indicate the uncertainty of the integration. |