Figure 2
Comparison of refined model and ligand binding between published (purple) and pipeline (yellow) results for atazanavir-bound HIV-1 protease structures (Klei et al., 2007 ). The electron density prior to ligand placement is displayed as a gray mesh for the 2mFo − DFc map (contoured at 1.0σ) and as green and red meshes for the mFo − DFc map (contoured at ±3.0σ). For clarity, only density within a 1.5 Å radius of the ligand is displayed. (a) PDB entry 2fxe
; active site of inhibitor-resistant mutant showing published symmetric binding of the inhibitor (with the second conformation colored blue). (b) PDB entry 2fxd
; active site of the cleavage-resistant mutant. (c) Overall structure of the cleavage-resistant mutant at the end of refinement (using chain A of 2fxe
as the starting model), illustrating the remaining differences in conformation and missing atoms. The red arrow indicates the loop comprising residues 80–83 in chain B. |