Figure 4
Surface properties of human P2. (a) The P2 surface coloured according to electrostatic potential. (b) Surface colouring according to the Kyte–Doolittle scale, where orange denotes hydrophobic residues and blue polar residues. The protein is in the same orientation in both images and in Fig. 1 (a), with the portal region at the top. (c) Predicted membrane-binding mode of human P2 (Lomize et al., 2012 ). The two bound citrate molecules are indicated in green. The position of Leu27 at the tip of the helical lid is indicated by an arrow. (d) Comparison of the anion-binding site in structures of human P2. Our earlier structure (Majava et al., 2010 ) contains a bound chloride ion (magenta) and another recent structure of human P2 (PDB entry 3nr3
) contains a sulfate ion (orange). The new structure has citrate (green) bound at the same site. |