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Figure 1
Structural comparison of Arp7 and Arp9 with actin. (a) The Arp7 monomer is shown with its regions of structural mismatch with S. cerevisiae actin highlighted (red) and consecutively numbered (circled). The subdomains 1–4 defined for actin are indicated. Connections (dotted lines) between two apparent termini owing to unobserved polypeptides are included for clarity. (b) The Arp9 monomer is shown as in (a). Arp7 and Arp9 were independently aligned with actin and are shown in the same orientation. (c) The Arp7 sequence is shown with the actin regions of mismatch (red rectangles) indicated with the same numbering as in (a). Secondary-structural elements (α-helices, gold; β-strands, blue) are highlighted. The number of amino acids inserted in Arp7 relative to actin are shown below the mismatched regions. Sequence segments not observed in the structure are indicated in grey. X represents a His-tag fused to the C-terminus of the native Arp7 protein of 477 amino acids. (d) The sequence of Arp9 is shown as in (c). X represents a FLAG-tag replacing the methionine at the N-terminus of the native Arp9 protein of 467 amino acids.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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