Figure 1
Crystal structure of the SP-containing duplex 16-mer oligonucleotide in a host–guest complex. (a) The chemical structure of the spore photoproduct is shown. (b) The host–guest complex includes two protein molecules, shown in a cartoon rendering with one molecule in green and the other in blue, and one 16-base-pair duplex, shown in a stick rendering with one strand coloured with C atoms in green, N atoms in blue, O atoms in red and P atoms in orange and the other with C atoms in cyan, N atoms in blue, O atoms in red and P atoms in orange. The asymmetric unit of the crystal includes one protein molecule and eight base pairs of duplex DNA. The SP lesions are shown in magenta and are indicated by arrows. (c) The sequence of the SP-containing DNA used for this study is shown with its numbering scheme. The thymines involved in the SP lesion are indicated as `t'. The same sequence lacking the SP lesion was also crystallized and analyzed. |