Figure 4
Views of the rose window of Lausanne cathedral in Switzerland: Imago Mundi. (a) External view of the stone tracery (c.1205). The design is essentially tetragonal, but the alternating elements of circles and squares add variety within a perfectly balanced composition (C4v, or 4mm). The various fourfold encircling motifs are labeled clockwise as discussed in the text, A, B–E, F–I, J–M and N–U, and refer to the stained-glass content explained in (b). (b) Internal view with the images of the stained glass (c.1230). The central square (A) representing the Creation is surrounded by four semicircles (B–E) representing the seasons and months of the year. Alternating, there are full circles (F–I) with images relating to the four elements of antiquity (earth, water, air and fire) and zodiac signs. J–M are used to depict the rivers of Paradise and the mythic lands beyond the confines of the known world. Surrounding the world are the eight winds of the cosmos (N–U). Reproduced with permission from the website http://www.therosewindow.com and adapted for description. Courtesy of P. Cowen. See the website for details. |