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Figure 2
Crystal structures of Y138F obelin in conformational states II and III. (a) Superposition of the overall structure of state II of Y138F obelin (yellow) and WT obelin (green). The helices are marked by capital letters A–H. The loops are designated I–IV. (b) Superposition of the overall structure of state III Ca2+-discharged Y138F obelin (blue) and WT obelin (brown). All structures are presented in the same orientation. (c) Stereoview of the superposition of Y138F obelin II (yellow) and III (blue). The 2-hydroperoxycoelenterazine and coelenteramide molecules are displayed as stick models in the centre of the protein; calcium ions are shown as balls. The 2-­hydroperoxycoelenterazine, coelenteramide and calcium ions are coloured according to the structure colour. (d) Sequence of obelin from O. longissima (Illarionov et al., 1995BB24). The mutation is marked in red. The helices are shown as yellow and blue sticks according to the structures of conformational states II and III of Y138F obelin, respectively. The loops involved in the binding of Ca2+ are shown as brown sticks.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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