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Figure 4
Internal cavities of Ca2+-discharged WT and Y138F obelins. (a) Two-dimensional drawing of the hydrogen-bonding network in the binding cavities of Ca2+-discharged WT (left panel) and Y138F (right panel) obelins. (b) Stereoview of the superposition of coelenteramide molecules with the key residues facing into the internal cavities of Ca2+-discharged WT (brown) and Y138F (blue) obelins. Hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed lines. Distances are given in Å. Water molecules are shown as balls coloured according to the structure. (c) Electron-density maps of 2-hydroperoxycoelenterazine (left) and coelenteramide (right) molecules with some internal cavity residues in Y138F obelin before (state II) and after (state III) the bioluminescence reaction, respectively.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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