Figure 3
Crystal structure of BGLPf-M3. The four subunits (P, red; Q, green; R, blue; S, yellow) are shown as space-filling models in the asymmetric unit. The other molecules related by crystallographic symmetry are shown as ribbon models (a). The crystal of BGLPf-M3, which belongs to space group C2, has only one unique axis: the axis b perpendicular to the page. The positions of the twofold axes are shown by black arrows and convex lenses. (b) A dimer, PQ, and another dimer, P′Q′ (related to dimer PQ by crystallographic symmetry), form a pseudo-tetramer in the crystal. (c) A dimer, RS, and another dimer, R′S′, that is related to dimer RS by crystallographic symmetry also form a pseudo-tetramer. |