Figure 2
Key features of SpaD, with observed electron density. (a) and (f) are rendered from the full-length SpaD structure with electron density from a 2Fo − Fc electron-density map contoured at 0.20 e Å−3 (1.0σ) and (b)–(e) are rendered from the higher resolution truncated form with electron density from a 2Fo − Fc electron-density map contoured at 0.69 e Å−3 (2.0σ). Bonding distances (Å) are given where appropriate. (a) The D1 isopeptide bond and catalytic glutamic acid, (b) the D2 isopeptide bond with catalytic aspartic acid, (c) the D3 isopeptide bond with catalytic glutamic acid, (d) the calcium ion and coordinating ligands, (e) the disulfide bond and (f) the YPKN pilin motif, shown in stick form, with the tryptophan and proline residues in yellow, the intermolecular isopeptide-forming lysine Lys179 in cyan and the D1 isopeptide bond in green. |