Figure 3
Model and electron-density maps (blue, 2Fo − Fc, 0.25 e− Å−3, 1.15 r.m.s.d.; green and red, Fo − Fc, ±0.16 e− Å−3, 2.8 r.m.s.d.) using no or different corrections of lattice-translocation disorder. The final model is shown in atomic stick representation. A Cα trace shows this model translated by td, the translocation vector in (1 ), which also represents the vector between origin and non-origin Patterson peaks. Dotted lines connecting two helices indicates this translation vector. The second trace is shown to illustrate that the ghost density is a translated copy of the actual density. (a) Map originating from refinement without using any correction. Clear ghost density is visible. (b) Maps from simple correction, i.e. demodulation using the cosine function. (c) Maps resulting from correction using the Patterson map flattening protocol. (d) Maps resulting from DIGS (§ 3.3). |