Figure 4
Correction of intensities reveals new traces. The final model of CRMP-4 (crystal form B) and OMIT electron-density maps are shown. The C-terminal residues from 489 onwards of chain B (magenta C atoms) were excluded from the map calculations. (a) The electron density calculated using nonmodified data. Unambiguous tracing of the C-terminal residues is not possible owing to spurious ghost density. (b) Electron density from DIGS-corrected data. The C-terminal residues can be traced. The 2Fo − Fc maps contoured at 0.24 e− Å−3 (1.1 r.m.s.d.) and Fo − Fc maps contoured at ±0.16 e− Å−3 (±2.8 r.m.s.d.) are shown in blue and green/red, respectively. |