Figure 1
Schematic of the CrowdPhase procedure. The CrowdPhase core is built on a genetic algorithm that is adapted for human intervention. (i) The GA initiation, where a population of N individuals is randomly generated. Each individual is represented as a genome made up of a sequence of genes (pictured as white blocks), each representing a reflection phase. Each gene is itself encoded as a binary 9 bit string. (ii) The population is iteratively evolved through successive rounds of tournaments. During each tournament, individuals are represented in the GUI as electron-density maps from which players are asked to choose two. (iii) CrowdPhase accepts the player's selection and applies the stochastic genetic operators (mutation and crossing over) to this pair, thereby generating one new individual for the next generation. (iv) The population is iteratively replaced by new generations until the termination criteria are met. As a final step, players are asked to choose which map looks the fittest among the last generation, providing CrowdPhase with its final solution. |