Figure 5
1GTW as a representative of the used zipper-type protein fragments for structure solution via ARCIMBOLDO (left). PDB codes 1gtw , 1h8a and 1jnm used as fragment subsets for zipper-type protein led to a solution after expansion (right, green bars) indicated by high SHELXE CC and Phaser TFZ scores for the solution. The SHELXE settings are -m30 -v0 -y1.9 -a10 -t30 -e1.0 -q -s0.67. (b) Detail of the resulting electron-density map after expansion of the best solution PDB starting fragment 1gtw is shown in blue at a 1σ contour level. The extrapolated data (free-lunch algorithm to 1.0 Å) were used in the displayed map. For illustration purposes a cartoon representation of the final model of the zipper-type protein complex (rainbow) was placed into the electron-density map, showing part of the asymmetric unit and highlighting the map quality. |