Figure 2
Extracellular gate (E-gate) and periplasmic gate (P-gate) and B-factor distribution in AlgE. (a–d) View from the membrane into the barrel of AlgE in different crystal forms highlighting different states of the E-gate (L2) and P-gate (T8) proposed to exist during alginate transport. (a) AlgE-1.9. (b) AlgE-2.4 chain A. (c) AlgE-2.4 chain B. (d) PDB entry 3rbh chain B. For reference, the citrate molecule observed in the electropositive pore in AlgE-1.9 (a) has been superimposed on the models in (b) and (c) as a point of reference. The relevant strands, loops and turns are labeled as described in Supplementary Fig. S3(a). The model in (a) best exemplifies AlgE with the P-gate (T8) open and the E-gate (L2) closed. The model in (b) illustrates AlgE with both the P-gate and E-gate closed. The models in (c) and (d) have the P-gate closed with the E-gate progressively more open. (e) Loop 2 (L2) and turn 8 (T8) have higher B factors than the rest of the protein. The structure is shown in putty representation and rainbow-coloured by B factor with hotter colours corresponding to higher B-factor values. For clarity, only L2 and T8 along with adjacent strands S3, S4, S16 and S17 are shown. The protein component in the figure is based on the AlgE-2.8 chain B model. |