Figure 2
Workflow detail for vial mounting. (a) Humidity controller with adaptor in place sitting on the mounting microscope. A vial has been fitted with a crystal cap and O-ring and includes 500 µl cryosolution. (b) The vial and the crystal-growth coverslip are placed in the adaptor under humid flow. The crystal is transferred from the growth drop to the cryosolution and soaked for ∼2 min. (c) The crystal is looped and transferred to the vial. (d) The wand is removed from the vial. (e) The vial is removed from the adaptor with wooden tweezers and placed near the diffractometer in advance of cooling. After an equilibration period (2 min to overnight) the crystal is mounted directly on the cryostream. (f) The goniometer is positioned so the crystal will be mounted horizontally and the vial is brought towards the goniometer by hand (shown) or with wooden tweezers. (g) Mounting starts with the crystal cap and the vial is rotated into place. Although only one hand is shown (for clarity), this is usually performed with two hands for stability. (h) The vial is removed along the axial axis. A finger from the other hand can be placed on the crystal cap, ensuring that the loop stays in place. We try to limit the total time of the vial in the cold stream (e and f) to <2 s. The exact details of the mounting procedure will depend on the strength of the magnet on the goniometer head. |