Figure 6
Fo − Fo maps for a soak of thaumatin crystals in 300 mM KCl illustrating tolerable unit-cell differences. The maps are contoured at ±4.5σ (cyan/magenta). Coordinates are refined coordinates (bright green/red/blue, cryo + KCl soak; light green/red/blue, cryo-only soaks). The maps were calculated as Fo (cryo + KCl soak) − Fo (cryo only). (a) Map between two vial-mounted crystals with unit-cell parameter differences of −0.06 Å (a and b) and 0.01 Å (c). Phases are from the refined coordinates for the vial-mounted cryo-only crystal. The map clearly indicates the location of a bound ion (modelled as a Cl−), as well as a small rearrangement of the two C-terminal residues (Thr206 and Ala207). (b) Map between the vial-mounted cryo + KCl crystal and a direct-mounted cryo-only crystal, with unit-cell parameter differences of 0.23 Å (a and b) and 0.49 Å (c). Phases are from the refined coordinates for the direct-mounted crystal. The peak for the bound ion is reduced from 17σ to 5σ and the map is much less informative. This figure was prepared with CCP4mg (McNicholas et al., 2011 ![]() |