Figure 5
The structures of the extracellular half of helix C (a) and the proton-release channel (b) of aR2 in the H32 crystal (purple, yellow and cyan) are compared with those observed in the C2221 crystal (salmon; PDB entry 1vgo; Enami et al., 2006 ). (c) Structural differences between the H32 crystal and the P321 crystal (PDB entry 2ei4; blue; Yoshimura & Kouyama, 2008 ) and between the H32 crystal and the C2221 crystal (orange). The deviation of the Cα atom is plotted against the residue number. (d) The B factors observed in the H32 crystal (magenta) and the P321 crystal (blue). The B factor of the Cα atom is plotted against the residue number. |