Figure 5
Identification of NucA surface residues for mutagenesis and biochemical characterization. (a) Least-squares superposition (LSQ) of the ββα motifs from GBS_NucA (H148A) (Val144–Gly147, Val171–Thr175 and Ala176–Asn179, blue) and VVN nuclease (PDB entry 2ivk; Wang et al., 2007 ; Ile76–Glu79, Leu119–Ile123 and Gly124–Asn127, brown). (b) Modeling of the 16 bp duplex DNA substrate (orange) from VVN nuclease onto the structure of GBS_NucA (H148A) (blue, molecular surface in gray) based on the LSQ superposition of their ββα motifs. The scissile DNA strand is shown in orange, with the location of the scissile phosphate highlighted in green. The complementary DNA strand is shown in yellow. (c) GBS_NucA (H148A) surface residues chosen for mutagenesis with likelihood of involvement in catalysis (red) or DNA substrate binding (cyan or purple). |