Figure 2
Electron-density analysis of crambin refined at truncated resolution. The 2mFo − DFc electron density at the 1.0σ contour level of polyalanine models around residues Val15, Cys15, Arg17, Lys18 and Cys26 of the deposited structure of crambin. The map R factor along the crambin chain was calculated residue-by-residue between the Fc map of the final deposited model and the 2mFo − DFc map of the refined polyalanine model. The electron-density R factor ranges from 0.28 (blue) to 0.67 (red). (a) ML CV electron-density map using a 5% test set. (b) ML FK electron-density map using a 1% test set. (c) Residue-by-residue map R factor of ML using a 5% test set. (d) Residue-by-residue map R factor of ML FK using a 1% test set. |