Figure 1
Crystal structure of PvSHMT. (a) The dimer interface of two PLP and amino-acid substrate pockets with interactions contributed by Leu99, Arg243, His274 and Lys277 from protomers A (coloured cyan and pink) and B (coloured green and magenta). (b, c) Conformation of Arg243 (b) in the PLP–Lys237 Schiff-base complex and (c) in the PLP–L-Ser Schiff-base complex (PLS). (d) Superposition of the 4pff (violet) and 4pfn (cyan) dimers shows the rotation of the PLP ring by 18° from the PLP–Lys237 Schiff base (orange) to the PLP–L-Ser Schiff base (yellow). |