Figure 3
Binding of (6R)-5FTHF in the ternary PvSHMT–D-Ser–(6R)-5FTHF complex. (a) Interactions between PvSHMT and (6R)-5FTHF, with dashed lines indicating hydrogen-bond distances in Å from residues in protomers A (pink) and B (blue) to the substrates PLP–D-Ser Schiff base (PLD) and (6R)-5FTHF in magenta and a glycerol (GOL) molecule in green. A water molecule (wat; red sphere) forms a bridge between 5FTHF and the protein. (b) Superposition of PvSHMT–D-Ser–(6R)-5FTHF (in blue and pink), ecSHMT–Gly–(6S)-5FTHF (PDB entry 1dfo , white) and rSHMT–PLP–(6S)-triGlu-5FTHF (PDB entry 1ls3 , yellow). Residue labelling is based on the PvSHMT sequence. |