Figure 3
Closest structural neighbours of DrTS. Structural superpositions of DrTS-N253A–Tris (red), XaSH-E322Q–sucrose (blue; PDB entry 3czk ), NpAS-E328Q–maltoheptaose (green; PDB entry 1mw0 ) and RhSI-E254Q–sucrose (yellow; PDB entry 2pwe ) for the (β/α)8 barrel (a), subdomain B (b) and domain C (c). These enzymes share a conserved (β/α)8 barrel, parts of subdomain B and a structurally conserved five-stranded sheet in domain C, particularly the Cβ2, Cβ3 and Cβ7 strands. (d) Structure-based sequence alignment of DrTS and its close homologues. Secondary-structure elements of DrTS are labelled and the numbers of residues in gaps are indicated in parentheses. BtSusG contains an additional carbohydrate-binding module inserted between Bβ2 and Bβ3. The residues of the Mg2+ and Ca2+ sites are shaded in magenta and cyan, respectively. The substrate-binding residues are shaded in red, whereas the residues of the conserved hydrophobic core are shaded in yellow. The catalytic triad residues are indicated with an asterisk, while the residues involved in stabilization of the triad orientation, but not in substrate binding, are shaded in blue and indicated with a hash, whereas those involved in both functions are shaded in red and indicated with a hash. |