Figure 1
Crystal structure of extralong MnP compared with short and long MnPs. (a, b) Superimposition of extralong MnP6 from C. subvermispora (PDB entry 4czn
; green), long MnP1 from P. chrysosporium (PDB entry 3m5q
; light brown) and short MnP4 from P. ostreatus (PDB entry 4bm1
; light blue) with the three Mn2+-binding residues as CPK-coloured sticks, Na+ and Fe3+ as orange spheres and the two Ca2+ ions as yellow spheres (see Fig. 3 a for the Mn2+-binding site). (c) Superimposition of the C-tail extension and neighbouring loop in extralong MnP with the same regions of long and short MnPs. (d–f) Surfaces of C. subvermispora extralong MnP (PDB entry 4czo
with Mn2+) and the above long and short MnPs, respectively, showing the main (yellow circles) and propionate (white circles) haem-access channels and the long and extralong C-tails in red [the final residue, in light brown, corresponds to Pro365 in (d), Ala357 in (e) and Ser337 in (f)]. |