Figure 1
Procedure for heavy-atom soaking in 96-well glass sandwich plates. A typical well for lipid cubic phase crystallization is shown in (a). 50 nl lipid cubic phase (LCP) is covered with 800 nl precipitant solution in a glass sandwich plate. For soaking, wells identified for use in heavy-atom soaking experiments were cut with a glass cutter (a) to create a window (b) for injection of 800 nl heavy-atom solution (c, d) into the wells. The cover slide was raised slightly using the tip of the glass cutter (e) to avoid contact between the heavy-atom solution and the glass edge during soaking. The well was sealed with 3 × 7 mm strips of tape (f) to prevent evaporation during soaking. To back-soak, the tape was removed, the heavy-atom solution was wicked away with tissue paper and heavy-atom-free precipitant solution was added, repeating steps (c)–(f). |