Figure 11
Phasing the DgkA structure using the CM41 mutant. (a) Native crystals of CM41. (b) CM41 crystals soaked with 0.7 mM Ta6Br12 for 7 h are shown in (i). The phased anomalous map (magenta) calculated using diffraction data collected at the tantalum edge (X-ray wavelength 1.25485 Å) and contoured at 4 r.m.s.d. shows two Ta6Br12 clusters per asymmetric unit (one per trimer) in the CM41 crystal form (ii, side view; iii, viewed from the periplasmic side). The clusters are coordinated by three Asp51 residues, one from each polypeptide in the trimer, and refined with occupancies of 40 and 50%. The protein is shown in cartoon representation with each polypeptide coloured differently. (c) Crystals of CM41 pre-labelled with CH3HgCl. (d) Crystals of CM41 pre-labelled with EMP are shown in (i). The anamalous map (magenta) calculated using diffraction data collected at the mercury edge (1.0063 Å) at 3 r.m.s.d. shows four mercury sites per asymmetric unit. Three are at the Cys41 position, as expected. Interestingly, anomalous signal also shows up in a region coordinated by two glutamates and acetate (ii). This site was modelled as a zinc ion in the native structure (PDB entry 3ze3 ; Li, Lyons et al., 2013 ![]() |