Figure 6
Cysteine mutants of DgkA and their crystallization behaviour. CLLD has three Cys residues (a). Cys46 and Cys113 are native residues, whereas Cys53 is one of the four stabilizing mutations (I53C, I70L, M96L and V107D). By removing the three Cys residues by site-directed mutagenesis, three mutants with two Cys residues (b–d), three mutants with one Cys residue (e–g) and one Cys-less mutant (h) were obtained. For each mutant, the crystallization behaviour is shown to the right of each panel; the location (Cα) of the relevant Cys residue(s) in the protein is/are shown to the left of the panel. The name of each Cys mutant is indicated in the bottom right-hand corner of each panel. Precipitant solutions consisted of 4–6%(v/v) MPD, 100 mM NaCl, 100 mM LiNO3, 60 mM magnesium acetate, 50 mM sodium citrate pH 5.6. All trials were performed at 4°C with 7.8 MAG as the host lipid. |