Figure 2
Pin platform box. Crystals and screened chemicals can be transferred in the acoustic transfer chamber of the Echo 550 (a) using sound pulses generated by a transducer (b) to eject crystals and chemicals contained in a source plate (c) into a pin platform box (d) (shown without the lid for clarity; Yin et al., 2014 ). The pin platform lid (e) isolates the pin platform (f) to prevent dehydration. The internal environment is governed by mother-liquor solution that is secured in 1% agarose and is deposited into a moat (g) in the pin platform. The window (h) is used to view specimens and to add components through apertures (i) in the lid. After all of the crystals are mounted, tape is used to seal the apertures (j). The pin platform box contains 96 sockets for securing pin-mounted micromeshes (k). The crystals are transferred onto the pin-mounted micromeshes. Once mounted, the crystals can be combined with cryoprotectants, heavy atoms, crystal-improving additives or with a fragment library; these chemicals are acoustically transferred from the same source plate (c) or from a different source plate. The pin platform box is in equilibrium with the mother liquor before, during and after the crystals and chemicals are transferred onto the micromeshes. The inset (l) shows a magnified view of a photosystem II crystal that was transferred onto the micromesh, where it was combined with a chemical. All components of the pin platform box are three-dimensionally printed (print files are available on request). |