Figure 7
Dimer–dimer interactions and tetrameric model. (a) Two dimers are present in the asymmetric unit of the C2 crystal and are shown here as ribbon diagrams with their respective DNA operators. (b) An orthogonal view of the model in (a). (c) A detailed view of the interacting residues observed between chain B of one dimer and chain F of the adjacent dimer. There is also a contact from chain B of one dimer to the phosphate group of the DNA bound to the adjacent dimer (Lys87–P12). (d) Based on these contacts, a 12 bp spacer was modelled in to form a loop. The DNA is rendered as a space-filling cartoon in the same orientation as in (b), with the crystallographic model in dark orange/yellow and the predicted location of the 12 bp spacer in light orange/yellow. |