Figure 3
Fab/EE binding to EE-tagged membrane proteins. (a) ELISA analysis of Fab/EE binding to A2aR-GFP. Purified A2aR-GFP proteins with or without the EE-peptide insertion were added to ELISA wells coated with Fab/EE or blocked control wells. Captured protein was detected using an anti-GFP antibody. (b, c) SPR analysis of binding. GPCRs were injected in duplicate for each concentration tested and binding to immobilized Fab/EE was monitored. Average traces are shown and demonstrate concentration-dependent binding to A2aR-GFP-EE. No binding was observed for A2aR-GFP lacking the EE peptide. (d) Elution profile of purified Fab/EE incubated with WT intimin, intimin-EE1 or intimin-EE2. Reducing SDS–PAGE analysis (inset) of fractions selected from 10.5 to 13 ml elution volumes shows coelution of Fab/EE–intimin-EE1 and Fab/EE–intimin-EE2. |