Figure 2
Experimental setup for IMISX data collection and images of crystals grown in IMISX plates. (a) A view of a section of an IMISX plate in the goniometer positioned for SX data collection on beamline PXII (X10SA) at the SLS. (b–e) Crystals of lysozyme (b), lysozyme–bromide (c), PepTSt (d) and AlgE (e) in COC wells removed from IMISX plates as viewed through the high-resolution on-axis microscope. (f) Screenshot of PepTSt crystals in a well from an IMISX plate as viewed through the on-axis microscope during SX data collection. Crystals measuring ∼10 × 10 µm (yellow arrow) are clearly visible in these in situ samples using the high-resolution microscope, which greatly facilitates crystal picking. `Hand-picking' of crystals is performed at the click of a mouse with the SLS software DA+ and involves simply positioning a rectangular box (white; white arrow) on the crystal of interest. In this instance, the beam dimensions are 18 × 10 µm. Open boxes correspond to crystals due for data collection. Filled boxes identify crystals that have already been exposed and are colour-coded by the number of reflections detected at that particular site of exposure. (g, h) Images of a lysozyme crystal before (g) and after (h) SX data collection. The position of the beam on the crystal and the size of the beam are shown in (g). Beam damage to the crystal caused by a 0.5 s exposure at 2.2 × 1012 (12 keV) photons s−1 at RT is clearly visible in (h). The crystal used in this demonstration of radiation damage is large by comparison with those used for IMISX. |