Figure 3
A comparison of electron-density maps for measurements made by the IMISX method at room temperature (a, c, e) and by the conventional method using harvested crystals at 100 K (b, d, f) for lysozyme (a, b), PepTSt (c, d) and AlgE (e, f). Residues Asn46–Gly54, Val88–Leu102 and Gly222–Asp229 are shown for lysozyme, PepTSt and AlgE, respectively. The 2Fo − Fc maps are shown as blue meshes contoured at 1σ. The resolution of the corresponding data are 1.8, 2.8 and 2.8 Å for lysozyme, PepTSt and AlgE at room temperature, respectively. At 100 K, the corresponding resolution values are 1.8, 2.3 and 2.9 Å, respectively. Stick models show N atoms (blue), O atoms (red) and C atoms (pink at room temperature, light blue at 100 K). |