Figure 1
The structure of the GemC1 dimer. (a) Size-exclusion chromatography and multi-angle laser light-scattering measurements of the tGemC1 homodimer. The mean molecular weight per volume unit (red line) and the normalized UV280 nm elution profile (blue line) are shown. The theoretical molecular weight for the dimer is represented as a grey dashed horizontal line. Graphs are representative of at least two experiments. (b, c) The structure is shown as an orange cartoon, with a thick tape model for the region spanning the formal coiled coil, and regions that do not conform with the coiled-coil formalism shown as a thin ribbon. (b) and (c) are rotated 90° along the horizontal viewing axis with respect to each other. Residues in the a and d positions are shown as sticks (oxygen, red; nitrogen, blue). Lys97, which does not form a `knobs-into-holes' interaction, is depicted as sticks with C atoms in green. The positions of the L123E and L130E solubility-enhancing mutants towards the C-terminus are also shown as sticks with C atoms in light blue. |