Figure 2
Multi-crystal data collection and structure solution from larger crystals of bacteriorhodopsin. (a) Crystals of bacteriorhodopsin obtained from crystallization in lipidic mesophase (Borshchevskiy et al., 2011 ); the average crystal size is ∼20 × 20 × 5 µm. (b) Heat map after initial mesh scan of the sample holder. The colours from dark red to yellow represent the intensity of the detected diffraction signal at the respective position; the white crosses mark the positions that have been used for collection of partial data sets. In all heat plots shown the x axis represents the grid points along the horizontal translation of the sample holder and the y axis the vertical grid points. For both, the unit is the beam size. (c) Dendrogram based on HCA of CCI(i, j) values produced by XSCALE. The blue rectangle shows the partial data sets merged to produce the final data set. (d) Wilson plot derived from the final data set using BEST (Bourenkov & Popov, 2006 ). (e) Detail of the final 2mFobs − DFcalc, αcalc electron-density map (contoured at 1.5 × r.m.s.) obtained, with the refined structure shown in ball-and-stick representation. (f) OMIT difference density (mFobs − DFcalc, αcalc) map at the end of the refinement procedure (contoured at 2.5 × r.m.s.) for a retinal molecule (ball-and-stick representation). |