Figure 6
Multi-crystal data collection and SAD structure solution from crystals of thermolysin. (a) The sample holder mounted on ID23-1 immediately before launching the MeshAndCollect workflow. (b) The heat map after an initial mesh scan of the sample clearly shows the size and disposition of the crystals contained on the sample holder. (c) Dendrogram based on HCA of CCI(i, j) values produced by XSCALE. (d) A plot of CCall versus CCweak from SHELXD/HKL2MAP for trial substructures, clearly indicating successful substructure solution. (e) Detail of the final 2mFobs − DFcalc, αcalc electron-density map at the end of the refinement procedure (contoured at 1.5 × r.m.s; amino-acid residues in ball-and-stick representation). (f) Detail showing both anomalous difference map (ΔFano, αcalc + 90°) peaks (purple chicken wire) around the catalytic Zn2+ ion (grey sphere) and three Ca2+ ions (yellow spheres) and OMIT difference density (mFobs − DFcalc, αcalc, green chicken wire) in the region of a Val-Lys dipeptide found bound in the active site. The OMIT difference density is contoured at 3 × r.m.s. and the anomalous difference density at 4.5 × r.m.s. |