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Figure 2
Superposition of the three available structures of the RFK module of CaFADS: the free protein (light blue; PDB entry 2x0k ), the ternary complex (orange-brown; PDB entry 5a89 ) and the binary complex (pink; PDB entry 5a88 ). (a) Overall view of the alignment of the RFK module, with the main differences between models highlighted with squares. (b) Zoom into the flavin-binding site, showing the displacement of L4c-FlapII and L6c in the ternary complexes. The L2c loop, which is involved in the interaction with the FMNAT module, does not show changes between the three structures. (c) Zoom into the adenine nucleotide-binding site, showing the three elements that change with respect to the wild type: L1c-FlapI, L5c and L3c. (d) Zoom into the C-terminus, showing the single conformation of L7c in the two complexes. (e) Conformation of the PTAN motif in the three models, showing the structural conformation changes of Pro207 and Thr208.

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